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Formerly from Massachusetts and the New England Section of the PGA,
Bruce Dobie is a Life Member of the PGA.
Bruce and his wife, Debby and their two Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeens, Fritz and Fanny, live in West Palm Beach, FL.
241 Seville Road
West Palm Beach, FL  33405
The Canine Collection
When we lost Fritz, I just couldn't take his picture down off the site.  It broke my heart to even
think about it.  When it was time for us, we knew we would get another PBGV. 
Well, here he is -
Suton Crepu Visage The Empereur's Son 
Thank you, Susannah Cooper and Sandy Bustin for our beautiful boy!
We won an AKC Photo Contest!
It's called Thankful for Dogs!
And, you know we are!